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quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2014

10 coisas que acontecem quando não conseguimos pousar um livro

Partilhado pela Presença, na sua página de Facebook. [Não consegui reduzir o tamanho das imagens :S ]

1. You lose track of time. Day turns to night; you don’t budge.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

2. The next day you’re exhausted but still refuse to quit.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

3. You’re late for work because your devotion has disrupted your morning routine.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

4. Then you miss your stop because it just got SO GOOD.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

5. But you can’t put it down - the book has become a permanent appendage.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

6. Friends worry you are becoming a recluse.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

7. Household chores begin to fall by the wayside.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

8. And visible signs of your addiction start to appear.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

9. But nothing fazes you. Finishing the book becomes your full time job.

Nathan W. Pyle / Via

10. And until then your loved ones will just have to understand.

10 Things That Happen When You Can't Put Down A Good Book

1 comentário:

  1. HAHA tão verdade :p já cheguei atrasada a um exame exatamente por causa disso, de ficar a ler xD


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